USA is excited to announce the FREE PRE-TRYOUT CAMP!
Tryout Week is approaching quickly and we are all getting ready. To get a good start, we are once again be offering our Pre-Tryout Camp. This camp is designed to help prepare for tryouts with coach-led instruction and give a feel for how tryouts will run. The focus will be on basic skill development and some small-sided game play. We strongly encourage those who plan to attend tryouts take the opportunity to be there. If you are going to miss tryouts, it is essential that you attend this camp and let the coaches know that you are going to miss your tryout.
Additionally, if you have a friend or family member interested in club soccer, bring them with you! We’d love to show them what USA is all about! This camp will run Monday, June 3 – Thursday, June 6 at our home fields at Helder Park. There is no need to register, just have players wear cleats and shinguards, bring a water bottle (with their name on it), well-inflated soccer ball (with their name on it) and get ready to have some fun! Please see below for specific days, times and field locations. Check in will be at the gazebo on the east side of the park (closest to 104th) for directions to the age-appropriate field.
Reminder: If you haven’t registered for tryouts, please do so ASAP! You can register here.
We look forward to seeing you all at our home fields at Helder Park!
Micro Fields | | | | 2018/2017/2016 Girls | Mon/Wed | 6-7:30 | Micro | 2018/2017/2016 Boys | Tue/Thu | 6-7:30 | Micro | | | | | Small Fields | | | | 2015 Girls | Mon/Wed | 6-7:30 | Small #1 | 2015 Boys | Tue/Thu | 6-7:30 | Small #3 | 2014 Girls | Mon/Wed | 6-7:30 | Small #3 | 2014 Boys | Mon/Wed | 6-7:30 | Small #2 | | | | | Medium Fields | | | | 2013 Girls | Tue/Thu | 6-7:30 | Medium #1 | 2013 Boys | Mon/Wed | 6-7:30 | Medium #1 | 2012 Girls | Tue/Thu | 6-7:30 | Medium #2 | | | | | Large Fields | | | | 2012 Boys
| Tue/Thu
| 6-7:30
| Large 2B
| 2011 Girls | Tue/Thu | 6-7:30 | Large 1A | 2011 Boys
| Tue/Thu
| 6-7:30
| Large 3
| 2010 Girls | Mon/Wed | 6-7:30 | Large 2 | 2010 Boys | Tue/Thu | 6-7:30 | Large 1A | 2009 Girls | Mon/Wed | 7:30-9 | Large 1/2 | 2009 Boys | Tue/Thu | 7:30-9 | Large 1 | 2008 Girls | Mon/Wed | 7:30-9 | Large 1/2 | 2008 Boys | Mon/Wed | 7:30 - 9 | Large 1 | 2007/2006 Girls | Mon/Wed | 7:30 - 9 | Large 1/2 | 2007/2006 Boys | Mon/Wed | 7:30 - 9 | Large 3 | | | | |